
Prof. Dr. Albrecht Klemm

E-mail: aklemm(at)
Phone: +49 228 73 2319
Room: PI 127
Location: Physics Institute
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Institute: Hausdorff Center for Mathematics - HCM
Research Areas: Research Area A3
Interdisciplinary Research Unit D2
Date of birth: 26.Oct 1960
Mathscinet-Number: 261991
Academic Career

Diploma, University of Mainz


PhD, University of Heidelberg

1990 - 1993

Research Fellow, LMU and TU Munich

1993 - 1994

Research Fellow, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA

1994 - 1996

Research Fellow, CERN TH-Division, Geneva, Switzerland

1996 - 1998

Research Fellow, Enrico Fermi Institute, Chicago, IL, USA


Habilitation, LMU Munich

1998 - 2000

Heisenberg Fellow, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA

2000 - 2003

Professor (C3), HU Berlin

2003 - 2006

Associate Professor, University of Madison, WI, USA

2006 - 2007

Professor, University of Madison, WI, USA

Since 2007

Professor (W3), University of Bonn

1998 - 2001

Heisenberg Fellow, IAS, Princeton, NJ, USA


Andrejewski Lecturer, Berlin and Potsdam


Simons Professor, Berkeley, CA, USA


Guest Professor, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France


Frederick W. and Lois B. Gehring Visiting Professor, LSA Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA


Visiting Professor, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France


Visiting Professor, MSRI, Berkeley, CA, USA


University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA

Invited Lectures

Minicourse “The Topological Vertex and its Applications”, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal


Minicourse “Direct Integration in Topological String Theory”, Workshop on “Geometry and Physics”, Chendgu, China


Minicourse “Topological Strings, Modularity and non-perturbative Physics”, Erwin Schroedinger Institute, Vienna, Austria


Minicourse “Topological Gauge and String theories”, ENS Paris, France


“Direct integration in General Omega Backgrounds”, Banff, AB, Canada


String-Math, Philadelphia, PA, USA


String-Math, Edmonton, AB, Canada


“Topological string on elliptic CY 3-folds and the ring of weak Jacobi forms”, in “Motivic invariants related to K3 and abelian geometries”, Berlin


“Elliptically fibred Calabi-Yau and the ring of weak Jacobi Forms”, in Workshop of “Moduli Spaces in algebraic Geometry and Physics”, Tianjin, China


“F-theory at 20”, California Institute of Technology, CA, USA


“Jacobi Forms and Curve Counting”, at the Workshop “Curves on surfaces and 3-folds”, Centre Interfacultaire Bernoulli CIB Lausanne, Switzerland


“Topological String and Jacobi Forms”, Workshop on “Geometric Correspondence of Gauge Theories”, Trieste, Italy

• Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A
Research Projects and Activities
DFG Project KL2271/1-1: “Exakte Methoden in Eich- und String-Theorien”

Bethe Center for Theoretical Physics

DFG Cluster of Excellence “Hausdorff Center for Mathematics”
Principal Investigator
Research Profile
Super String Theory is a mayor attempt to unify gauge theories with quantum gravity. Compactifications of string theory on varieties with special holonomy including calibrated submanifolds leads to quantum theories in various dimensions. Mathematical well defined sub-sectors of these theories are the topological string- and field theories. Their correlators determine topological invariants of the geometric setting. Often are different physical formulations with different manifest symmetries and duality symmetries among them available. Based on these we extended the methods to calculate the correlators exactly, such as mirror symmetry, the string/gauge theory correspondence, the modular-- and the integrable system approach. In particular using the string/gauge theory correspondence we provided with the topological vertex and the topological recursions two major tools, which are widely in use. We used mirror symmetry and the modular approach to obtain high genus amplitudes on compact Calabi-Yau spaces and showed that the all genus topological string amplitudes on elliptically fibred Calabi-Yau spaces can be expressed in terms of meromorphic Jacobi forms.
Recent and planned postgraduate teaching
SS 2011 Quantum Field Theory I
WS 2011 Quantum Field Theory II
Ralph Blumenhagen (2002), now Permanent Staff Member, Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich
Selected PhD students
Babak Haghighat (2009): “On Topological String Theory with Calabi-Yau Backgrounds”,
now Postdoc, Harvard University, MA, USA

Denis Klevers (2011): “Holomorphic Couplings In Non-Perturbative String Compactifications”,
now Fellow, CERN, Theoretical Physics Department, Switzerland

Jie Gu (2014): “Braiding knots with topological Strings”,
now Postdoc, LPTHE ENS Paris, France
  • Master theses: 5, currently 2
  • Diplom theses: 4
  • PhD theses: 12, currently 8
Selected Publications
[1] A. Klemm, D. Maulik, R. Pandharipande, E. Scheidegger
Noether-Lefschetz theory and the Yau-Zaslow conjecture
J. Amer. Math. Soc. , 23: (4): 1013--1040
DOI: 10.1090/S0894-0347-2010-00672-8
[2] Mina Aganagic, Albrecht Klemm, Marcos Mariño, Cumrun Vafa
The topological vertex
Comm. Math. Phys. , 254: (2): 425--478
DOI: 10.1007/s00220-004-1162-z
[3] Vincent Bouchard, Albrecht Klemm, Marcos Mariño, Sara Pasquetti
Topological open strings on orbifolds
Comm. Math. Phys. , 296: (3): 589--623
DOI: 10.1007/s00220-010-1020-0
[4] M.-x. Huang, A. Klemm, S. Quackenbush
Topological string theory on compact Calabi-Yau: modularity and boundary conditions
Homological mirror symmetry
of Lecture Notes in Phys. : 45--102
Publisher: Springer, Berlin
[5] Jie Gu, Hans Jockers, Albrecht Klemm, Masoud Soroush
Knot invariants from topological recursion on augmentation varieties
Comm. Math. Phys. , 336: (2): 987--1051
DOI: 10.1007/s00220-014-2238-z
[6] Min-xin Huang, Sheldon Katz, Albrecht Klemm
Topological string on elliptic CY 3-folds and the ring of Jacobi forms
J. High Energy Phys. (10): 125, front matter+78
DOI: 10.1007/JHEP10(2015)125
[7] Jie Gu, Albrecht Klemm, Marcos Mariño, Jonas Reuter
Exact solutions to quantum spectral curves by topological string theory
J. High Energy Phys. (10): 025, front matter+68
DOI: 10.1007/JHEP10(2015)025
[8] Kentaro Hori, Sheldon Katz, Albrecht Klemm, Rahul Pandharipande, Richard Thomas, Cumrun Vafa, Ravi Vakil, Eric Zaslow
Mirror symmetry
With a preface by Vafa
of Clay Mathematics Monographs : xx+929
Publisher: American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI; Clay Mathematics Institute, Cambridge, MA
ISBN: 0-8218-2955-6
[9] S. Katz, A. Klemm, R. Pandharipande
On the motivic stable pairs invariants of K3 surfaces
K3 surfaces and their moduli
With an appendix by R. P. Thomas
of Progr. Math. : 111--146
Publisher: Birkhäuser/Springer, [Cham]
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-29959-4_6
[10] Babak Haghighat, Albrecht Klemm, Guglielmo Lockhart, Cumrun Vafa
Strings of minimal 6d SCFTs
Fortschr. Phys.
63: (5): 294--322
DOI: 10.1002/prop.201500014
Publication List